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Acting aquatic species endangered certificate process

Business background

        Recently, a batch of cosmetics containing Siberian sturgeon (Latin name: Acipenser baerii) was detained at Weihai customs and required an endangered certificate。In the past more than 1 year, we have handled many similar endangered certificates for other customers。Because the endangered certificate of aquatic species is relatively complicated, now I will tell you the process briefly。


Acting aquatic species endangered certificate process

1. Process:

        Step 1: We need to provide foreign CITES. When we import CITES, we need to provide scanned copies of foreign CITES。

        The second step: If the domestic enterprise does not do the enterprise record first。Then there is the domestic series of document preparation。

        Step 3: Our company sends the material list to the customer, clearly and clearly provide one by one according to the list。

        Step 4: After the information is complete, our company reviews the materials one by one, and transfers the application to colleagues after the materials are correct。

Ii. Precautions:

        Aquatic products and their products in addition to the endangered certificate, but also need to handle the "aquatic wildlife management and utilization license", without this certificate, is not allowed to be sold and used。It also affects CITES applications。
The entire certificate application involved multiple departments, But CITES is valid for six months (counting from the time of application abroad, toGoods import declarationEnd, can not exceed this time), so the professional requirements for handling the certificate。Because our company often handles endangered documents, there is a special person to keep an eye on the progress, and the progress of the list is generally much faster than the official time without special circumstances。

        Certification is ultimately used for customs clearance。Certificate handling and customs are independent and interrelated, if you do not fully understand the needs of the customs when handling the certificate, there may be a lot of trouble to do the certificate, and eventually will not be used。In this regard, we also have a wealth of experience to avoid the occurrence of the above situation。

Iii. Summary:

        Currently our agency endangered species (terrestrial and wild) are: Siberian Sturgeon, timber aloe, Bletilla, polar bear, black bear, brown bear, narwhal tooth, lion.......If you have any questions, please contact us

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